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  • jamesrcarlson

The Games People Play

Copyright by James Carlson

Not the Polls of the Media but the Polls of We The People

We are seeing odd activity in the world of politics where the norm of campaign activity, reaching out to the voter, is discarded for new methods intended to circumvent the voter. The problem is not that innovation in the free market of ideas is a bad thing but that many new tactics being used today may actually defraud the American people from having the final say with their vote. We are slowly losing our Democracy!

Innovations are one thing but fraud is another. Recall when Democrat voters jumped over the Primary lines in 2016 to help elect Donald Trump. They thought they would help ruin the Republican ticket by making him the nominee but they instead provided the GOP with one of their greatest victories. It is clear that this tactic backfired while their intent was to muddy the waters of the Republican Primary. This is an old tactic meant to defraud Party voters of the integrity of their elections. So much for democrats defending democracy.

And recall in the 2016 election cycle that the liberal media also wanted to help Trump become the GOP front runner by flooding his campaign with all the earned media he could handle. The political symbiosis between the media and candidates works when the media provides ‘earned media’ to a candidate during the campaign in order to get ‘news maker interviews’ from candidates who get elected (real monetary value transferred but no money shared). But in doing so, the liberal media gave to Trump all the independent votes (the media represents the Independent voter) he could handle and Clinton lost the race before the general election ever began. So much for the media trying to control the outcome of elections. Despite the desire of the media to steer the election to Clinton, they steered too many voters to Trump. Here again, their attempt at defrauding the American voter backfired.

Donald Trump got his start in politics on the ‘curvy couch’ with Fox and Friends on the Fox News Channel (FNC). He took over the political capital of the Tea Party that FNC had a hand in building. Trump was innovative in gathering as much independent and swing voters into his camp during the 2016 GOP Primary as he could and selected Mike Pence to bring in the Party base. This is a reversal from the tradition of campaigning for the base vote in the Primary and then reaching out to Independents during the general election. Here, innovation did not defraud any voter. But it is clear that Trump is not a part of the mainstream of the GOP and needs help to get the Party faithful behind him if he is to win a general election.

In the 2020 campaign, Joseph Biden chose to ‘campaign from the basement’ due to his increasing age and deterioration of mental health.  Similarly, Senator John Fetterman suffered a stroke and ‘campaigned from the basement’ to avoid contact with the media and then the voters. These tactics have provided these candidates and their staff with the victory they desired but did they meet the needs of the electorate? The outcome apparently is more important to some in politics than is the integrity to facilitate an informed voter. Campaigning from the basement defrauds the American people in their ability to make informed decisions on election day.

The 2024 campaign is showing more signs of the same. We are in the early stages of Primary season but where are the candidates who are the front runners? Is Biden or Trump attending any debates? In the calculus used to negotiate the political process to electoral victory, attending debates is no longer required it seems. In a time when candidates are not speaking to us via debates, games are being played to avoid voters. Again, this is a tactic that may win in the end but the voters lose along the way.

Recently, the Colorado Supreme Court decided to remove Trump from their state ballot. This is not about Trump as much as it is about the voters of Colorado; and it is spreading nationwide. This tactic is obviously defrauding the voter and is likely to be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. But the intent is clear, the voter comes second behind political power. Hello!!!, power belongs to the People not the Court.

And in a twist of irony, what is the difference between not participating in a Primary debate and not being allowed to participate in the Primary? The Trump campaign is applying a tactic telling the Primary voters not to bother voting for anyone but Trump, as the election is already wrapped up (so say the media polls). This is similar to an older political tactic used to push an agenda (called Push Polls). The problem is that the Primary is not over until it is over, the polls don’t count until the vote is counted from the polling place, and the election isn’t determined by which candidate leaves the race but who wins the race by vote of the majority. The Trump camp is trying to ‘gaslight’ the candidates and the Primary voters. If Trump wants to win the Republican Primary, then he should at least join us in our Primary. If he wants our vote in the general election he might want to ask for it during the Primary and show up to debates.

Add to the fraud committed against the voters the attacks against Trump (and his campaign) by Court trial. Having declared his intent to run for the Presidency in 2024, prosecutors have declared their intent to beat him within the Judiciary before the Polls ever open – defrauding the American voter once again.

Similarly but not the same, Trump went through two impeachments while President in the years following his election in 2016. These tactics were meant to take away his ability to serve in public office, again defrauding the voter of their will in governing America. While impeachments are a legal process outlined in the Constitution, the Trump trials, meant to prevent a candidate from campaigning for public office, is not in the Constitution. These political Court tactics are not legitimate legal actions and are meant to defraud the voter from electing the candidate of their choice. It’s not about Trump, it’s about the American People.

Remember that a tactic that is consistent within the Democrat Party is to project what they are doing onto their opponents. So, when they complain about ‘defending democracy,’ they are actually defrauding the American voter and attacking democracy in front of our eyes. We see this in the criminal/civil trials Trump is embroiled in; we also see it in the recent decision of the Colorado Court. The Democrats are at war with Democracy!

Once again, the Dems are handing Trump the election in 2024 just like they did in 2016. Bring on the Democrat voters to support him in the GOP Primary if they want to cross over once again. And keep up the earned media that comes from the various court trials-by-fire. These tactics, meant to defraud the American voter, are likely to backfire once again putting Trump back into office.

And has anyone noticed that there is no one of notoriety running in the Democrat Primary besides Biden. While Trump is dodging the GOP Primary debates, we at least have a Primary and candidates running for the office besides Trump. And like Trump, Biden is likely to dodge any debate that requires his participation as a candidate because it doesn’t fit the political calculus of the day. Here, Trump and Biden are on the same page with their political tactics. Also used by both camps are political polls instead of actually balloting at the Polls to determine who the front runners are. These tactics do not provide the voter, voting at the Polls on election day, with the tools they need to determine who the frontrunner is.

As a Christian Conservative I’m supporting Ron DeSantis (not De-Sanctimonious) in the GOP Primary. Unlike the Tea Party and those who came after them, DeSantis actually supports Christian moral values. These values are under attack, in large part due to the lack of support we get from Moderate/Libertarian members of the GOP (social liberal/fiscal conservatives). The Tea Party was absent without leave on the social moral issues while focusing on the fiscal issues. As the heir apparent of the Tea Party, Trump campaigns for as many crossover/independent voters he can get. If Trump wants to win the Primary and then the general election, he should stop insulting the Christian Conservative voter with needless name calling. He no longer has Mike Pence to bring in the base. He needs to court the base not dismiss it. 

Trump is Considering DeSantis for Running Mate

I’m Considering Ron DeSantis for President


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